Tuesday, December 8, 2020

How To Choose The Best Air Purifier For Your House


When it comes to keeping your indoor environment clean and safe, you need to use a method that complies with certain things. From the design of the house to the daily routine to the size of the family, many factors will determine the type of appliance you need at home. Here are some helpful tips for choosing the best air purifier.


Cleaning technology

Varieties of technology are used for developing purification systems to clean the air in commercial and residential places. Some of them are good at trapping microorganisms in the air, while others are meant for removing odors and other harmful organic compounds. These air purifiers are made of various components and panels to trap the dust and allergens inside the appliance.


Size of the room

Sometimes you want to clean the air in a particular corner of the house where you will stay for work. There might be other unused rooms that don’t need cleaning for a while. In such a case, a HEPA filter is a good choice for a small confined environment. However, you might need a bigger appliance if other residents also need a clean room at a time. You can invest in a whole-house air purifier that can cover the entire house.

Affordable appliance

Expensive materials don’t always offer quality service in terms of feasibility and convenience. When you look for an air purifier, you should choose the one that can benefit your home with extensive performance. There is no need for extra spending when you get an item for specific purposes. Search for dealers of air purifiers and check their service and product charge.


For a long-lasting functioning of the appliance, choose the air purifier manufactured in the USA. Such a product comes with a washable permanent electronic filter cell and a seven-year limited warranty.

Why Do Pet Owners Need An Air Purifier In Their Home?


Every pet owner leaves no stone unturned to take care of their furry friends. But not many owners are aware of pet-related allergies that are not good for family members, and especially those who have breathing difficulties. If you are one of those who are unaware of pet allergens and are not sure about installing an air purifier in your home, read below:

Pet dander

Pet dander is skin flakes that your pet sheds in addition to hair. Besides, the coat of their fur also carries dust and dirt. The skin flakes that you see floating in the air or accumulated at the corners of your home are shed skin flakes. They are often covered in protein secreted by oil glands present under the skin of your pet. While some dander is visible to the naked eye, other particles are microscopic. The pet dander gets trapped inside the carpet fibers, bedding, and furniture and lead to breathing difficulties.

Pet hair

Pet hair causes al allergic reactions as they contain allergy-producing protein. Some dog breeds are known as hypoallergenic because they don’t have a thick coat of fur and don’t shed hair. Though non-shedding or low-shedding pets cause less airborne hair, they still shed dander. Dogs who have curly fur are more allergy-friendly as their coat traps saliva and dander and doesn’t release them into the air.

Pet saliva and urine

Most pets have a habit of grooming themselves. When your dog or cat licks themselves, the protein present in their saliva stick to their fur and cause allergic reactions when you come into contact with your pet. Similarly, pet-urine contains allergy-causing protein, which isn’t good for your health.

The best way to deal with the mentioned problems is to invest in a quality pet air purifier that cleans the air and eliminate pet dander. Start looking for an air purifier right away if you live with ˘.