Wednesday, June 3, 2020

A Comparison Between A Portable And Whole House Air Purifier

Choosing the right appliance to keep your indoor air safe can overwhelming, as air purifiers come in different sizes and features. If you are planning to get the right choice of the air purification system, get familiar with the difference between a portable air purifier and a whole-house air purifier.

A portable air purifier is simple to set up. You can simply plug it into a power outlet in a room and turn on the switch. The appliance will start functioning without extra manual help. Meanwhile, the whole house purification system is attached to the HVAC system. You will need to hire a professional appliance installation service to handle the job.

Main function
A whole-house air purifier is designed to remove larger pollutions in the entire building. This means you don’t need to walk into every room to turn on the machine. Meanwhile, the portable one is designed for removing tiniest particles that can cause respiratory illnesses.

Most portable air purification systems use HEPA filter technology that is expensive. However, the works of this system ensure clean safe air in a closed environment. Whole-house purifiers, on the other hand, don’t require frequent replacement, and thus lots of money that would have been wasted in maintenance.

Unique feature
As its name indicates, a portable air purifier allows you to carry anywhere and use it whenever you need it. This system is ideal for individual use. Meanwhile, the whole house air purifier covers the entire house when you turn it on. This will benefit all the residents at one go.

When you invest in an air purifier, talk to the experts at a reputed dealer. They will help you decide which product will be ideal for your environment.

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